Write for us
We always invite individual bloggers to submit high-caliber guest blogs to our website, and we are always seeking for new guest authors.
Our interest area
- Web development
- Technology
- Reviews
- E-commerce
- Business
- Entrepreneurship
- Mobile (Apps and software)
- Videos
- Startups
- Marketing
- Fashion
- Food
- Games
- Education
- Auto Mobile
- Finance
- Real Estate
- How-to
- Upcoming Technologies
Follow these guidelines if you wish to write for us:
- Before you actually compose the post, please pitch us your content ideas.
- We only release original content. Not previously released anywhere else, such on your own website.
- High-quality content should be free of spelling and grammar mistakes.
- We welcome articles in the categories listed on the website’s menu bar.
- 500 to 800 words are the ideal length for an article.
- Give readers a specific takeaway or lesson to learn. To organize your writing, use headings, subheadings, and numbered lists or bullets.
- Your post must be unique and different from any others that have previously been published on our website.
- Authors are encouraged to include pictures along with their submissions. It is the author’s responsibility to secure authorization before using any photos, videos, or other content from outside sources.
Must check points
- We have the right to modify any text you submit, but we will only do so to fix typos or improve readability.
- Please refrain from sending us press releases or sales pitches; we do not accept content such as phony product reviews or advertorials.
- Since we do not post sponsored promotional content, we will not compensate you for your work.
- Send us an email in advance at [email protected] with your topic.